Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chugging a snail's pace.

Little did I know when my friend and I first got involved in the comic book scene that I don't have much spare time.
As most of you know, we are currently working on our first release, entitled, "Johnny Superhero." The script for issue 0 has been finalized for quite some time now, and all that is left is for me to complete the art...a process that I did not think would take this much time.
I want to offer an apology to those out there who are interested in getting their hands on JS no.0 and want to assure you, IT WILL HAPPEN!!
The problem is, as a reporter, I have been SWAMPED lately with assignments and such, and have not had the time to put a real effort into the comic. When the issue finally makes it out to the public, it will be a FULL COLOR comic....not black and white....FULL COLOR! That is another hurdle....The good news is, although I have not had much time to work on the art, traveling phone calls with my partner in crime have resulted in several upcoming stories and not all is a loss.
Just wanted to throw out a quick apology and let everyone know...Johnny Superhero IS coming!! (please, no vulgar jokes...haha)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lastest Going Ons at VC

WOW!! It has been a long time since I’ve updated this blog. My apologies.

Let me just start off by filling everyone in on some recent goings on in the land of Venture Comics.

Johnny Superhero No. 0 is coming along, slowly. I recently moved and things have been hectic for me as of late. Trying to balance the life of a husband, father, reporter, and comic entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do. That said, I plan to hit the pages hard and heavy soon. Our tentative release date was Summer 2009, meaning if we are to hit that goal, we have approximately two months. September 21, is the first day of fall. Hopefully, everything will work out for us. If not, AdVenture may begin this fall! Either way, I think readers will truly enjoy what we have come up with for Johnny’s introductory issue.

Aside from JS No. 0, we have been planning upcoming Johnny releases. Issue No. 1 will be Johnny’s origin. I think we have a strong story and another fun read. Other issues include the introduction of new villains. We think we have a good upcoming lineup and hopefully the readers will think so too.

Depending on how well Johnny is accepted, we have other title characters in mind, more on that later.

Anyway, that is just a brief update from us at VC. Like I said, I plan to hit the pages hard soon and hopefully, those interested will be able to pick up Johnny Superhero No. 0 by mid-fall at the latest.

I also want to take a moment to apologize for the lack of web site and Twitter updates. After the move, my Internet connection is limited.

Also, if you haven’t checked out some of our indie competition/friends, follow the links below:

• Octane Comics – creators of Disconnected: Tales of the Sovereign –

• Fantasy Art Comics – creators of Fierce and IPF –

• The Grim Crew – creators of Grim Furry Tales and the upcoming DEAD FUTURE –

• R&R Comics – creators of several web comics –

• Byron Rempel – creator of the web comic THE ZOMBIE –

More links later!

- George Anderson

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Web Up!

Another short-but-sweet post:
Web Up!:
On Thursday, April 23, our website went live! I've had some good comments on it and am exited that people are digging it.
Another exciting thing happening is our growth on Twitter! We're not doing much (right now) in terms of looking for followers, but we keep getting more each day! Thank you all for following!
Comic News: 
On to news about the comic...As anyone who has been to the website knows, our first title is called Johnny Superhero. Our script was finished on April 20, and I'm working on getting the art ready.
It may take a little longer than I hope, but, unfortunately, Venture Comics is a project that I can only work on on the side. I've had some good comments on the (little) art that's on the site. 
To my fellow twitterers, I will be more than happy to help you guys out as much as I can and would appreciate you help as well. If we indys pull together, we can work as one to get our names out. If you need anything from Venture, just let me know!
Items of Interest:
Check out these guys on Twitter: @Fantasyartcomic, @OctaneComics, @MikeCampeau, @alanhalsted, @Puckhogg4.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


For my first blog on Venture Comics, I'm going to keep this one short.
I'm just going to say I'm excited about our new "venture." We hope to bring you great stories from characters that we've created.
I'm not going to say much about our ideas yet, just that I believe we have some pretty decent ideas for stories and different comics.
Just keep your eyes on the site and look forward to seeing Venture Comics at your local comic book shop.