Sunday, April 26, 2009

Web Up!

Another short-but-sweet post:
Web Up!:
On Thursday, April 23, our website went live! I've had some good comments on it and am exited that people are digging it.
Another exciting thing happening is our growth on Twitter! We're not doing much (right now) in terms of looking for followers, but we keep getting more each day! Thank you all for following!
Comic News: 
On to news about the comic...As anyone who has been to the website knows, our first title is called Johnny Superhero. Our script was finished on April 20, and I'm working on getting the art ready.
It may take a little longer than I hope, but, unfortunately, Venture Comics is a project that I can only work on on the side. I've had some good comments on the (little) art that's on the site. 
To my fellow twitterers, I will be more than happy to help you guys out as much as I can and would appreciate you help as well. If we indys pull together, we can work as one to get our names out. If you need anything from Venture, just let me know!
Items of Interest:
Check out these guys on Twitter: @Fantasyartcomic, @OctaneComics, @MikeCampeau, @alanhalsted, @Puckhogg4.